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Table of Contents

VASA REWARDS PROGRAM                                                                                                                                                        

                VASA REWARDS PROGRAM OVERVIEW                                                                                                  

                MEMBER BENEFITS                                                                                                         

                WHAT’S IN IT FOR VASA                                                                                                                                

PROGRAM DETAILS                                                                                                                                        


                TANGILBE REWARD/PRIZE                                                                                                            


CLUB LEVEL RESPONSBILITY                                                                                                                                                        






















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At VASA we love seeing our Members sweating it out in the gym, which is why we built a loyalty program to reward them for getting to the club each month. Our guiding principle “Be Agile” means we are always looking for ways for our Members to experience our creativity and innovation. This program will reward Members for coming to the gym with badges and a monthly prize! It’s a fun and creative ‘thank you’ from us to our Members for trusting us to be part of their journey to get healthy, feel strong and be happy. 


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Our program is called Burn & Earn and it’s pretty simple. Members show up at the clubs to get their burn on and subsequently, they earn more than just fitness! There are 2 components to our Burn & Earn rewards program. Gamification/badges and a monthly prize that will refresh each month. 


Member Benefits

Everyone loves to get rewarded, especially for working out. This program will help our members with:

  • Motivation
  • Accountability
  • Connection to the Brand
  • Sense of Belonging
  • Fun
  • Community


What’s In It For VASA

Engagement with our brand! Companies that have a rewards program tend to create a more emotional connection between brand and customer, ultimately generating ambassadors for the brand. This can impact our bottom line via more referrals and longer customer lifetime value. Our rewards program is aimed at achieving the following:


  • Member Retention
  • Brand Engagement
  • Connection to our Members
  • Free Advertising
  • Member Referrals
  • Increased NPS
  • Brand Building




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Program Details























Why Gamification? Gamification is everywhere, and especially prevalent in the fitness industry. Whether you’re closing rings or earning badges, people use gamification to create a fun and challenging environment for participants and an enhanced fitness experience. 

Gamification is addicting! There is always another badge, streak, or challenge to overcome. This creates a high level of engagement between the brand and the participant and will motivate them to get into the club.

Lastly, Gamification provides a sense of community and healthy competition. In a world where so many of our connections are digital, being able to find your tribe and enjoy a close-knit community that offers you friendship, support, accountability and healthy competition, can be a challenge. Gamification creates a language that everyone, who is actively engaging with the brand, can understand and feel connected to.

Members will earn badges that will be housed in a virtual trophy room on the VASA app. Below is a complete list of all the badges and associated criteria that our members can earn: (Ideally, we will show the badges as well)

General Check-Ins 

  • 1st Time Check In
  • 4x/month  
  • 8x/month  
  • 12x/month 
  • 50 Check-ins badge: Having Fun
  • 100 check-ins badge: Getting Healthy 
  • 150 check-ins badge: Feeling Strong 
  • 200 check-ins badge: Fit and Happy 
  • Check in on Saturday or Sunday 4 times a week in a month: Weekend Warrior
  • Use KidCare 4 times a month, Pumped Up Parent
  • Refer a friend that joins: VASA Champ
  • Upgrade to Fitness from Basic: “Level Up” 
  • Upgrade to Studio: “Push Beyond” 
  • Stay a member for 12 months: Anniversary Badge


  • Check in for Studio 4x/month: Studio Master 
  • Check in for all 3 Studio Red Formats in 1 month: Red Raider
  • 4x Studio Iron Check ins/month: Strong as Iron
  • 4x Studio Athlete Check ins/month: Advanced Athlete
  • 4x Studio Drench Check ins/month: Sweat Slayer
  • 4x Studio Cycle check ins/month Cycle Guru
  • 4x Studio Cycle Freestyle Cycle Check-ins: Ride Free
  • 4x Studio Cycle Rhythm Cycle Check-ins Rhythm Rider
  • 4X Studio Cycle Zone Cycle Check-ins: In the Zone 


  • 4x PT/Month: Training Champ 

Group Fitness 

  • Check in for GF 2x/month: Fitness Friend
  • Check in for GF 4x/month: VASA Group-ie
  • Check in for GF 8x/month: Group Gains 


  • Check in for TEAM Training 8x/month: Group Gain 


Tangible Rewards/Prizes    

Badges are great, but rewards are the ultimate incentive. People love to get rewarded with something tangible after a job well done, especially if those items are cool and brag worthy. Plus, seeing the rewards around the gym will hopefully motivate others as well.

The rewards will change every month and will be branded “Earn it” to help support the program. The way our members “Earn it”, is by checking into the club 12x/month. That’s it. Pretty simple, huh? Please see below for some examples of how the prizes will come to life as well as an annual calendar. (Subject to Change)

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How Members Participate:

The best part about the Burn & Earn rewards program is that it’s SUPER easy to execute. The program is managed and tracked on our VASA app. 

To participate, the only criteria is that Members have the VASA app. The app will automatically track their check-ins, rewards and real time status. 


When a member earns a badge, the app will notify them that they have earned a new VASA badge.


Once the member achieves 12 check-ins per month, they will get notified in the app and receive a barcode that can then be taken to the Burn & Earn vending machine in the lobby of the club. The member will scan their barcode and the machine will dispense the item.   


Prizes will be available to redeem starting the 12th of each month through the 7th of the following month, to allow members plenty of time to get their prize.



















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Club Responsibilities



















MEL and MES Responsibilities:

As the prize component of the Burn & Earn rewards program is based on 12 monthly check-ins.

  • The Member Experience Lead is responsible for:
    1. Emptying the machine once a month and packaging up excess reward items.
    2. Send the unused items back to prodigy (instructions provided in inventory section)
    3. Delegate restocking daily tasks to MES in the morning and evening dayparts. 


  • The Member Experience team is responsible for Restocking the vending machine with new product and stocking the machine in the morning and evening dayparts. 


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Checking and Managing Inventory

Inventory is recorded in PAC to track redemption and ensure sufficient levels of product are always available stock. This means there is no need for your club to do inventory and re-order.

  • The inside of the vending machines is fabricated to hold large items (top half) and small items (bottom half). 
  • The first week of each month, the VASA Weekly will highlight the item and where it should be placed in the machine to avoid the machine jamming.
  • Please be on the lookout for this each month otherwise, the machines will not work as planned and it will increase the workload for the MES team.

NEED IMAGES FROM IVS Will have these images once we configure the machine, which will be a couple of weeks.  


To check the inventory in the machine, simply press the bottom right corner of the screen repeatedly and You will be taken to a password screen. Click the test box and enter the client supplied PIN. The PIN for all clubs is 1234.



Inventory: Returning Excess Inventory 

Per the timeline, on the 8th of every month, the MEL will remove existing reward items from the machine and package them up with whatever inventory remains. 

They will then email Lance at lance@prodigypromos.com and let him know how many boxes they are sending back. Lance will then email you back a return shipping label to print and attach to the boxes. 

Then on the 9th of each month, send the reward items back to Prodigy at the address below: 

Send to Prodigy Promos ATTN: VASA restock, 122 S 1380 W, Lindon, UT 84042. 

Please email jason@prodigypromos with qty and tracking.



Missing or Damaged Product     

If any products are missing or damaged from shipment and included on the enclosed invoice, the GM must immediately alert Jason via email: jason@prodigypromos.com. This ensures replacements are sent out to avoid out of stock items in the planogram. 







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Our machines will be hardwired to the internet. To connect, simply ensure that the Ethernet cable is plugged into the ethernet coupler (located at the rear of the machine), and from the coupler it’s plugged into the computer.



Steps to Turn the Machine On/Off



Step 1: Remove the power plate at the back of the vending machine. 


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The keys will be inside a labeled magnetic “key box”.


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Step 2: Put the key in the lock and turn the T-Handles counter-clockwise until it unlatches


Step 3: Plug in the vending machine.


  • The vending machine should power on automatically once it’s connected to a power source.
  • The lights will come on inside the door, the computer and touchscreen will power on, and the power indicator for the control board will light up
  • The IVS Versatile application (the name of the software application that the machine is running on) will load automatically.
  • It will take a second to load, and then the VASA app will auto-populate and load on the touchscreen.


Step 4: If the vending machine fails to power on after plugging it in, ensure that the power switch located on the inside of the vending 

If the screen or computer does not power on, check the power cables and AC adapters connections to their power source and machine is flipped to the “on” position. to the computer and monitor. 

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To turn the vending machine “off”

It’s pretty simple, simply unplug the machine from the wall, wait 20 second and turn the vending machine back on (see section above for instructions on how to turn on the vending machines).


Steps to Stock/Re-Stock Machines

Each morning and afternoon, it is the responsibility of the MES to check the machines to make sure it is fully stocked. If needed, re-stock at opening to start the day full. Once a month the machine will be restocked with updated inventory (highlighted in the VASA Weekly). Use these steps below to complete this task.




Step 1: Visually check the amount of product that is currently in the machine. 





The screen will then show you the amount of product that is currently available in each coil. 



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Given the program is based on monthly check-ins, it’s very likely the back half of each month will be busier than the front half. **

Checking the machines will help avoid them running out of product and avoid a less than indeal member experience. 

Step 2: Set each coil to show the proper amount of product. 


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  • Each box will correspond to a specific slot in a machine.
  • For example, if slot 1 in the upper left corner was stocked to “6” items, you would click on that box and then a keypad would pop up.
  • Type in “6” so that the inventory software knows that the machine slot currently holds 6 items. 



If this is always correct, you will not need to open the machine to check the stock. If it’s not, then what’s showing on the screen and what’s actually in the machine will be off and it could require you to re-stock the machine, thus inturupting your day.

Step 3: Stock each open spot in the machine.


  • If the machine is being stocked full in each slot, you can simply hit one button that says “Max” and it will make each slot go to its max.  
  • If each slot can hold 6 products, then the max would make each slot show that it has 6 items in it. 

If the machine is stocked and the member gets their reward without you needing to get involved, it’s a win/win.




Vending Machine Troubleshooting      

The first thing you should do when faced with an issue with the vending machine is turn it off, leave it off for 20 seconds, and then turn it back on again. If that doesn’t work, follow the tips below.

Issue #1 – Software is Displaying a 001 Error: A 001 error means that the software is running into a conflict while loading the code. This usually means that one or more files have been corrupted.

What to do: Call IVS tech support at 866-931-9413 ext. 109 and tell them you have an error code 001. They will be able to log into the machine remotely in order to resolve the issue.


Issue #2 – Software is Displaying a 002 Error: A 002 error means that the software is having trouble sending or receiving a signal from the vending motors. This usually means that there is a physical wire disconnected somewhere in the machine.

What to do: Check all of the wire connections, especially the ones pictured below (IVS, TO PROVIDE THE PICTURES), and make sure everything is plugged in all the way, then restart the machine. If the problem persists, please contact IVS at 866-931-9413 ext. 109.


Issue #3 – Software is Displaying a 004 Error: A 004 error means that the software is unable to connect to the internet. 

What to do: Check all connections to the internet. Our machines are hardwired to the internet. Make sure the wires are fully connected into their ports and that the internet source is running properly. There is one port in the back of the machine that will allow the hardline internet connection to plug into the back of the machine near the power cord. When that’s plugged in, and your hardline internet is live, it will give the machine correct internet connectivity. If the problem persists, please contact IVS at 866-931-9413 ext. 109.


Issue #4 – The Machine Displayed a “Vend Failed” Error Screen and Did Not Turn Any Motors

What to do: Check the connections to the motors and the control board, and make sure the inventory is displaying correct numbers for each coil.  If the problem persists, please contact IVS at 866-931-9413 ext. 109.


Issue #5 – Machine is Vending from Empty Coils OR Showing an “Out of Stock” Message with Product Still in the Coils

What to do: Check the inventory numbers (see section 4.4 for how to do this) to make sure the vending machine inventory numbers are accurate. It’s critical to do this each time you restock the machine.






Q: How Do I Order More Reward Items?

A: Inventory is recorded in PAC to track redemption and ensure sufficient levels of product are always available stock. This means there is no need for the clubs to do inventory and re-order.

Q: What if the machine is out and I have no more inventory?

A: Email jason@prodigypromos to arrange more stock to be sent.

Q: What if the vending machine jams?

A: As long as the product is loaded properly, this should rarely happen, but if it does, you will need to unlock the machine and get the product out for the member. If you do this, you will also need to make sure the machine stock is accurate to do this see section 4.5 for how to open the door and check/update the in-stock numbers.

Q: Where can members find their badges?

A: Your badges will be tracked and displayed on our app. Simply go to the My Activity section of the VASA app and selet badges to view which badges you have earned, and which badges you are still working towards.


Q: How does a member get to participate in Burn & Earn?

A: As long as the member has the app, they are automatically enrolled in the program. No need to take any further action.


Q: How does a member earn rewards?

A: Earning rewards is easy! All you have to do is keep coming to the gym and you will earn a series of badges and even receive a physical reward from our Burn & Earn vending machine if you check in to the gym at least 12 times each month!


Q: What is the reward for this month?

A: Check the rewards page in the VASA app or the vending machine in the lobby of the club for each month’s reward. 


Q: How does a member redeem their reward from the Burn & Earn vending machine?

A: Redeeming rewards is easy! Once the member has checked in 12 times in a single month, they will receive a notification indicating they are eligible for a reward. Then they will simply take their phone to the vending machine, scan the barcode provided and voila! The machine will dispense their reward.


Q: The member scanned their barcode, but the vending machines are out of stock. What do I do now?

A: The MES is responsible for restocking the vending machines at least once a day, but sometimes there are so many awesome members getting their reward, it can be hard to keep up! If the machine shows it’s out of stock, please go get them their reward item from the back and restock the machine immediately.


Q: The club is out of inventory, what do I do?

A: We do our best to make sure that we have enough items to avoid this, but sometimes our calculations are a little off. The good news is, we typically can get more into the club within 3-5 days, so apologize to the member and let them know to come back in a few days and try again. 


Q: How does a member have to collect their reward?

A: Members can collect their reward anytime from the 12th of the current month until the 7th of the next month. After the 7th, the vending machines will be restocked and ready for next month’s reward item.  






GM, MEL, and MES:  

1 week prior to launch

  • Participate in program overview call and review launch guide in its entirety. 
  • Receive Outlook invite with the date and approximate time of when the Vending machine vendor will arrive for set up. 
  • GM and MEL identify where back stock inventory will be stored and secured
  • GM and MEL plan and calendar 1 hour on the 8th of every month to return excess product back to Prodigy. 
  • GM and MEL add restock task to the daily cleaning task list in the morning and afternoon day parts for launch week and the weeks after.
  • MEL: Day prior to launch, direct MES team to stock and do final cleaning of vending machine
  • MEL: Using the daily cleaning task pages assign MES complete restocking activities every day.



The MES team will be informed of this program by reading the MES NEED TO KNOW and completing the practice activities. 


MEL and GM: 

  • Distribute the MES Rewards “Need To Know” to all Team Members one week prior to launch.
  • Direct TMs to read through the document in its entirety. TMs can read this document during off peak times during their scheduled shift and complete the follow up activities. 
  • 1-3 days prior to launch complete a “Check for Understanding” by asking each MES to demonstrate the practice activities from the MES “Need to Know” with you. This will take 15 minutes for each MES to complete.  Provide your MES Team Member feedback about what they did well and what they need to work on. 


Launch Day

  • MEL and GM: Lead by example, show enthusiasm and how to answer Member questions.
  • MEL and GM: Provide coaching and recognition in the moment as Team Members answer Member questions about the program.  











At VASA we love seeing our Members sweating it out in the gym, which is why we built a loyalty program to reward them for getting to the club each month. Our guiding principle “Be Agile” means we are always looking for ways for our Members to experience our creativity and innovation. This program will reward Members for coming to the gym with badges and a monthly prize! It’s a fun and creative ‘thank you’ from us to our Members for trusting us to be part of their journey to get healthy, feel strong and be happy. 

A close up of a sign  Description automatically generated

Our program is called Burn & Earn and it’s pretty simple. Members show up at the clubs to get their burn on and subsequently, they earn more than just fitness! There are 2 components to our Burn & Earn rewards program. Gamification/badges and a monthly prize that will refresh each month.



Gamification is everywhere, and especially prevalent in the fitness industry. Whether you’re closing rings or earning badges, people use gamification to create fun. Gamification creates a language that everyone, who is actively engaging with the brand, can understand and connect with. Members will earn badges that will be housed in a virtual trophy room on the VASA App. 


Tangible Rewards/Prizes    

People love to get rewarded with something tangible after a job well done, especially if those items are cool and brag worthy. Plus, seeing the rewards around the gym will hopefully motivate others as well.

  • The rewards will change every month and will be branded “Earn it” to help support the program. 
  • The way our members “Earn it”, is by checking into the club 12x/month. 

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(Prize Examples)









How Members Participate:

To participate, the only criteria is that Members have the VASA app. The app will automatically track their check-ins, rewards and real time status. 


When a member earns a badge, the app will notify them that they have earned a new VASA badge.


Once the member achieves 12 check-ins per month, they will get notified in the app and receive a barcode that can then be taken to the Burn & Earn vending machine in the lobby of the club. The member will scan their barcode and the machine will dispense the item.   


Prizes will be available to redeem starting the 12th of each month through the 7th of the following month, to allow members plenty of time to get their prize.


MES and MEL Vending Machine Responsibilities:

The Member Experience Lead is responsible for:

  • Emptying the vending machine once a month and packaging up excess reward items.
  • Send the unused items back to prodigy (instructions provided in inventory section)
  • Delegate restocking daily tasks to MES in the morning and evening dayparts. 


The Member Experience Specialist are responsible for Restocking the vending machine with new product and stocking the machine in the morning and evening dayparts. 




  • PRACTICE using the restocking/stocking steps to stock the vending machine
  • PRACTICE will a fellow Team Member describing VASA Burn and Earn Rewards program
  • PRACTICE will a fellow Team Member describe how a Member participates.