Clubcom to Cloudcover Swap

                We are getting out of our contracts with Clubcom and switching to using Cloudcover to provide music and adding additional cable boxes as needed.  Those dates can be found on the Clubcom/Cloudcover tab on Information Tech base on Airtable.



Airtable –

Cloudcover –



  • Order the Cloudcover box

Matt Bant will contact Cloudcover to order the box and have it sent out to the club or to one of the corporate offices. If sent to the club, provide the GM the date to swap systems and instructions on how to.

  • Order the cable boxes and schedule the install date.

About a week before the date to swap out, contact the GM and have them identify how many TVs are connected to Clubcom.  

If they can’t identify them, have them turn off the Clubcom computer temporarily or remove the display cable from the back of the Clubcom computer and count how many TVs lose signal or show the ZeeVee logo on screen.

Contact the provider of the cable boxes (Comcast, Cox, Direct TV, etc.), based on what is listed on Airtable, and order new boxes for the TVs that will lose signal. Set the install date of the cable boxes to the same date as or after the set date to swap to Cloudcover.

Update the cable boxes and install dates on Airtable.



Locate the Clubcom Computer and the Modulator in use.

Clubcom Computer

ZeeVee Modulator

A picture containing text, electronics, computer, case

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A picture containing text, electronics, control panel

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Other Modulators

AUX/Display to AV Cable

A picture containing text, indoor

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A pair of headphones on a table

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AUX Cable

Coax Cable

Ethernet Cable

RCA Cable


If you have a ZeeVee box:

Parts that need to be shipped back:

“Clubcom Computer and Supporting Cables”

  • Clubcom computer
  • Power Cable

“ZeeVee box and Supporting Cables”

  • ZeeVee box
  • Power Cable
  • Display/Aux to AV cable



Cloudcover Setup

First, before removing anything, we will set up Cloudcover. Contained in the box it was shipped in, you will find the Cloudcover box, a power cable, and an AUX to RCA Stereo cable.

  1. Remove the Ethernet cable from the back of the Clubcom computer and plug it into the back of the Cloudcover box.
  2. Remove the Aux cable from the back of the ZeeVee box and plug it into the back of Cloudcover box.
  3. Plug in the power cable and attach to the Cloudcover box. If you need to, remove the power cable running to Clubcom computer or the ZeeVee box to free up space.

Clubcom Removal

There should be 3 cables plugged into the back of the Clubcom computer. An Ethernet (network) cable, an AUX/display cable, and a Power Cable. The AUX cable will be connected to the display cable.

The Ethernet cable should have been removed and attached to the Cloudcover box.

Remove the power cable to keep with the Clubcom computer as this will have to be returned.

Detach the AUX and Display connections. The other end of the AUX/display cable should still be plugged in to the ZeeVee box at this point.

ZeeVee Removal

There are 4 cables plugged into the back of the ZeeVee box. A Coax cable, an Aux cable, an AV cable, and a power cable.

The Coax cable just needs to be unplugged. If you want to clean this up, this will probably run to a splitter or signal booster and you can unplug it on that end and remove the cable.   If it runs into the wall, just leave the cable hanging.

The AUX cable should have been removed and plugged into the Cloudcover box.

The AV cable is the other end of the AUX/Display cable that was plugged into the Clubcom computer.

The power cable and the AV to AUX/Display cable both need to be collected to be shipped back.

The ZeeVee box may be mounted on the rack. If it is mounted, you will need a screwdriver to remove the rack mounting screws on the front side. If there are multiple ZeeVee boxes from previous trouble shooting, we will be shipping all of them back to Clubcom.


If you don’t have a ZeeVee box:

Parts that need to be shipped back:

“Clubcom Computer and Supporting Cables”

  • Clubcom computer
  • Power Cable

*Until we hear back about the other modulators, we have only been instructed to send back the ZeeVee boxes.


Cloudcover Setup

First, before removing anything, we will set up Cloudcover. Contained in the box it was shipped in, you will find the Cloudcover box, a power cable, and an AUX to RCA Stereo cable.

  1. Remove the Ethernet cable from the back of the Clubcom computer and plug it into the back of the Cloudcover box.
  2. Remove the Aux cable from the back of the Clubcom computer and plug it into the back of Cloudcover box.
  3. Plug in the power cable and attach to the Cloudcover box. If you need to, remove the power cable running to Clubcom computer box to free up space.

Clubcom Removal

There should be 4 cables plugged into the back of the Clubcom computer. An Ethernet (network) cable, an AUX audio cable, a display cable, and a Power Cable.

The Ethernet cable should have been removed and attached to the Cloudcover box.

The Aux cable should have been removed and attached to the Cloudcover box.

Remove the power cable to keep with the Clubcom computer as this will have to be returned.

Detach the Display cable. If you want to clean this up, the cable probably goes to a splitter. You can follow both lines to the boxes and detach all the cables and devices until you reach a Coax cable.


Post Installation and Clean Up

The Clubcom Computer, the ZeeVee box (if on site), and the supporting cables need to be boxed up and shipped out to Clubcom. Please make sure these are boxed in a way to prevent damage or movement during shipping. When the box is ready, please email and let them know you have hardware to ship back.  Please include the Club Name and Address on the email and how many boxes that need to be picked up. Clubcom with contact UPS and have someone out, usually within 24 to 48 hours, to retrieve the boxes and deliver them back to Clubcom.

All other devices, please hold on to them until it is decided if we are having them shipped back to corporate, recycled, or disposed of.


Troubleshooting Music

This section is if you cannot get the music to play with the AUX cable that is plugged into the ZeeVee box or Clubcom computer.

Follow the AUX cable to find out what the other end is.  

If it is a Red/White cable, you can use the cable that came in the box.

If it is an AUX cable, email and we can ship out a new cable that will work with this.

If it is a green piece of plastic with smaller cables screwed down into it, this will take some work getting this set up.  If you cut the white and red ends off of the cable it came with and strip the plastic, you will find white or red and a black cable in each end.  The black cable is the ground and the red/white cables are the sound cables.  To connect this to the green piece, you will need a small flat head screwdriver to remove the existing cables.  Looking at the holes the cables should go in, the red cable goes in the left hole, the two black cables should be twisted together and put in the center hole, and the white cable should go in the left hole.  Use the screwdriver to tighten the piece down onto the cables.  Make sure these do not get plugged into a mic input.

If it is a different connection, please take pictures of how this cable is connected to the sound equipment and send it to and we can provide further instructions.